
countdown to the re-start...

i'm setting my re-start date for saturday.

there are people out there who will say that you should just start right away, but i'm preparing myself. i'm making sure i have everything i need on hand so that i don't start stumbling right off the block.

i'm motivating myself, reminding myself what i'm really doing here and what my goals are.
i'm reminding myself that i am doing this for *me* and my health. i'm not doing this so i can wear skinny jeans.
i'm doing this so that i can climb the stairs to class without dying.
i'm doing this so i don't have to carry 100 lbs of dead weight.
i'm doing this for my heart.  i'm doing this for my knees. i'm doing this for my feet. for my back.
i'm doing this for my future children.

i  brought my scale home (it was living in the boyfriend's bathroom), so that i can start day one bright and early.

3 days and counting....

here we go, let's bring back an old favorite:

goals folks, let's achieve em.

bring it.

1 comment:

  1. I think you are doing a great thing by coming up with a game plan and preparing yourself! Getting yourself in the right frame of mind. That way when it comes time, you wont push it off. You can shop for what you need or want healthy food wise and be prepared! Good for you! :)
