
end-of-challenge weigh-in

so folks...

moment of truth.

i orginally weighed-in on friday, but didn't see the loss i was looking for. i attributed it to the unintended excess of alcohol thursday night and some minor water retention/bloating. this morning i followed a hunch and weighed again (i needed pics to post for you all anyway) and saw an additional loss of 2.4 lbs. !!!!!
starting weight: 350
challenge starting weight: 333.4
end-of-challenge weight: 326.6
challenge loss: -6.8
total loss: -23.4

awwesome! didn't meet my big goal but dammit, nearly 7 lbs in a month is kick ass.

i'm definitely excited. i am going to rock my shit this year.
i set my new 10% goal for march 1st. thats approximately 60 days to lose 11.6 lbs. i am SO on it.

goals folks...lets achieve em.


  1. That's an amazing loss, especially with Christmas and everything. :-)

  2. You're frekin AMAZING! I am lovin' how open you are! Have you done any measurements? Your pictures are phenomenal! Keep up the good work! Really love the posts!

  3. That is awsome. Proud of you I am! You will achieve your goals, I know it :)

  4. That should be EASY for you, Erin. I am rooting for you.


  5. Awesome job! I think you should have NO problem meeting your next goal!
